Serve at Saint Peter's

There are so many ways to use your gifts to build up the Body of Christ. How will you use yours?



Do you enjoy...

  • encouraging others?

  • visiting & talking with new people?

  • delivering meals to families in need?

  • writing notes of encouragement?

Questions? Contact Turner Merritt at


A key component of effective ministry is communicating clear, consistent and timely information to our church family, visitors and the community. If you’re social media savvy, or if you are a writer, a photographer, a videographer or an artist, please consider joining our Communications Team.


The first point of contact for new guests on Sunday mornings is with our CONNECT Team. This team helps people feel welcomed, answers questions, and provides refreshments. If you have a heart to connect with new folks and create a welcoming environment, this team is for you.


In the Anglican tradition, we celebrate the sacrament of Communion every Sunday. Each week, volunteers assist in serving the elements. Other dedicated volunteers prepare the Table, and clean up following the service. If you have a love for the Eucharist, this would be a great place for you to serve the Body of Christ.


If you look around on a Sunday, you’ll see children everywhere—so we’re always in need of help. If you’re a parent who’s been blessed by our children’s ministry, or if you just love children and love to serve, our Children’s Team is for you.

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It’s important that our preaching, music, reading, and production work together to create a distraction-free environment through which people can be transformed by the Holy Spirit. If you are musical, tech savvy, or have a passion for reading God’s Word, this team is a great place for you.


Do you have a green thumb? Or would you just like more first-hand understanding of how food is grown and how the Lord created the earth to feed and sustain us? Join our Garden Team. Our harvest is offered to church members and the community. Whether it’s planting, weeding or harvesting, there is always something to do in the garden. Join the team!