
We the leadership of Saint Peter’s Church, desiring to be faithful to Christ in our relationship with each other, and to model the love and unity as demonstrated by the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, do covenant that we will strive to be Christ-like in our character, conduct, and conversation.


We affirm a commitment to the mission and values of Saint Peter’s Church.

We affirm that we will have teachable spirits, servant hearts and will remain submitted to Jesus Christ.

We affirm a commitment to fellowship, worship, thanksgiving, and prayer together – joyfully sharing in each other’s lives.

We are committed to integrity, loyalty and trust.

We affirm that we are ultimately accountable to God and immediately accountable to one another.

We affirm that we will view all ministries as interwoven and equally valuable, working together toward a common goal.

We affirm that we will communicate clearly, disagree openly and work through problems rather than bury issues.

We affirm that confession, repentance and forgiveness among leadership leads to trust and humility within the Church.

We commit to include new leaders and equip them for ministry.